Learning Goals for Social and Emotional Development
The learning goals for Social and Emotional Development focus on the need for teachers to guide children to:
- Manage and express their emotions in appropriate ways
- Build positive relationships with others
- Recognise that everyone is unique and show respect to the people whom they interact with
- Reflect on their choices when making decisions
Learning Goal 1: Develop an awareness of personal identity
- Identify own strengths likes and dislikes, and needs
- Identify and recognize emotions
- Develop a positive self concept
- Develop confidence in carrying out simple tasks
- Show a positive view of themselves
Learning Goal 2: Manage their own emotions and behaviors
- Express and cope with emotions appropriately without harming self, others and property
- Self-regulate their behaviors
Learning Goal 3: Show respect for diversity
- Recognise that everyone is unique in the following ways:
- Physical characteristics
- Race
- Ability
- Opinion
- Show respect to the people that they interact with
- Recognize feelings and show understanding of what others are going through and how they are feeling through actions and/or words
Learning Goal 4: Communicate, interact and build relationships with others
- Show appreciation and care for others
- Work and play cooperatively in a group
- Build relationships with others
- Communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively with others through words, gestures and actions
Learning Goal 5: Take responsibility for their actions
Children may on their own or with teacher/peers:
- Consider possible options/actions to manage a situation
- Consider the effects/consequences of options/actions
- Reflect on their choices
Teachers will use teaching opportunities during playing to help children adjust and build habits. Baby’s opportunities to develop and master this information, skills, and orientations should be carefully arranged.
When children are given opportunities to engage well with others, their social and emotional health develops. Teachers and schools are increasingly crucial in ensuring that these opportunities occur in the classroom. The use of suitable learning methods will assist guarantee that children have the chance to develop abilities that will foster them to become confident and capable persons with societal responsibility.